Court Sports

Adult Programs
Sand Volleyball
Summer Leagues
Competitive & Recreational
Member & Non Member rates
Volleyballs available at the front desk
Raquets & Birdies available at the front desk
10 Racquetball courts
Fall, Winter/Spring Leagues are available
Levels - Novice to Open, for men, women and juniors
Racquets and eye guards available at front desk
Lessons are available; see front desk
Paddleball and Squash are also available
2 - Half Courts (raquetball courts)
A game similar to volleyball played on a four wall-walled court with a ball the same size as a volleyball that is allowed to bounce off of the walls before being returned over the net.
10 Courts
Open-Play anytime
Fall & Winter Leagues
Member and Non-Member rates
Table Tennis
Tables & Paddles available
Lessons available for Member & Non-Member rates
Jon Bosika
Jon Bosika is our Table Tennis coach. He has one of longest coaching careers in the United States
Jon's Achievements Include:
1996 U.S Women's Olympic Coach
Yugoslavia National Junior Team Coach
Coach/Trainer of Olympic and World Medalist llija Lupulesku
Kids Programs
Ping Pong
Ping Pong (Table Tennis) is perplexing to watch for the kids. They ask, "Why can't he return that simple slow serve? How come it flies here one time, and the other direction next time?" Scratch their itch by introducing them to the wonderful sport of ping pong. The game that trains reflexes, quick thinking and fitness.
Learn the basic rules and fundementals of ping pong.
This program is for ages 4-12 years
It runs for six weeks
Offered to members and non-members
Sign up at our front desk
Equipment provided