Swim Lessons - Fall 2019
Swim Lessons for Fall 2019 are now posted! Please note special registration dates for members and non members.

New Pool Schedule as of 7/27/19
Effective 7/27/19- 8/19/19

Day Camp 2019
Day Camp 2019 registration has begun! If paid in full by 6/12/19 for the entire summer, you will receive a 10% discount per child.

Summer Swim Lessons
Summer Swim Lessons are fast approaching! Please see attached flyers:

DAC 3 Month Summer Memberships have begun!
Stop into Member Services to sign up, or call with any questions, 810-653-9602

Marlin's Swim Team 2019
DAC Marlin's Swim Team Meeting is coming up fast! It will be held Wed., April 24th @ 6pm at Davison Country Club.

DAC's Group Fitness Classes
All of DAC's Group Fitness Classes are included with membership. By request, we have added some early morning classes that begin at...

DAC & DCC are a part of Davison's Grub and Pub Crawl 2019
DAC & DCC are excited to again be a part of the annual Davison Chamber's Grub and Pub Crawl! We will be offering free appetizers and...

Group Fitness Schedule
Check out DAC's current group Fitness schedule. All classes on this schedule are free for members.