Davison Athletic Club prides itself on offering a Safe Aquatic Environment for your Entire Family!

Pool Schedule

Pool Rules:
Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult (18 and older) in the pool or poolside.
Everyone must shower before entering the pool.
No running on pool deck.
No hanging on lap lanes, ropes or diving board.
No food, gum or glass containers on pool deck or in locker rooms. Water bottles are allowed on deck.
No balls allowed in pool or on deck.
Lifeguard may require anyone to take a swim test in order to swim in the deep end of the pool.
One person at a time on diving board.
No inward dives off board.
No flips, twists, or back dives off pool deck.
One bounce per dive/jump off board.
Diving board closed during unsupervised swim.
Swim diapers or rubber pants over diaper required for children not potty trained.
Unsupervised Open Swim: No lifeguard on duty. Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult
Supervised Open Swim: Lifeguard on duty. Age 8 and under Parent/Adult must be pool side.
Summer Swim Team Available June-July
Supervised Open Swim: Lifeguard on Duty, children 8 and under-Guardian/Parent must be poolside.
Our pool is 25 meters (82 Feet) in length (One mile is equal to 32 ¼ laps).
The temperature is kept between 84 and 86°.